Two Days to Nativity, 7 January 2018

God gives us infirmities and illnesses not as punishment for our sins, but as a way to become sin-free. Not only for ourselves, but for others as well. Not only through our suffering but also through the acts of those not afflicted in caring and praying for those who are afflicted.
God is not a harsh and vengeful God, rather He is loving.
He took on humanity as a loving gesture, so He could be one with us and at the same time, through Himself, provide a path to eternity with Him. Christ is almost here . Rejoice! O Come Emmanuel!

Two Days to Nativity, 7 January 2018

Prayer Request

Tomorrow morning I travel to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to the University of Michigan Medical Center, to be qualified for and enrolled in, their transplant program, to hopefully be approved for a multi-organ transplant (Kidney and Pancreas).
As such, I am asking my friends to pray for me … TO CLARIFY I am not getting a transplant yet … this is the first stage, getting qualified …


Prayer Request


The Writer in Black

I got busy yesterday so didn’t get a blog post up.  Sorry.

Today went with the family to see Dunkirk.

See.  This.  Movie.

One thing annoyed me about it, the use of shakeycam.  However the movie was so riviting that toward the end when I was getting nauseated I thought maybe someone had mixed up the drink machine and I’d gotten sugared pop.  It wasn’t until later that it dawned on me.  I was so rivited by the story that I completely forgot the shakeycam even though it was making me sick.

That may sound like a mixed result but really, it’s high praise indeed for a story.

The movie starts with a squad of British soldiers in town making their way back toward the beach.  They come under fire from unseen assailants.  As they flee, they get picked off one by one, until there’s only one left.  The one…

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