Jimmy Kimmel Uses Kids for #Hillary2016 Campaign Plug

Regular Right Guy

520625453-hillary-clinton-gaNBH5GLsefI’ll bet you’ve been wondering who late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel will be voting for in the upcoming 2016 election.

Me too.

But just to keep us waiting, Jimmy decided to waste 4:33 more of our precious time and punk some six-year-olds, before he revealed his choice. It’s okay if you skip that part; I’m sure at 4:34 his revelation will excite you, just as much as it did these kids.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one.

Free food in restaurants? Well why not? Hillary is already promising free college and free health care, and her support for a $15 minimum wage will probably run every fast food franchise in the country out of business anyway.

But all of that is beside the point.

We need a woman to be president because… well, because Hillary wants to be president.

Isn’t this a little like child abuse?

You set…

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Jimmy Kimmel Uses Kids for #Hillary2016 Campaign Plug

Hillary: ‘All Sexual Abuse Accusers Deserve To Be Believed’; Bill Victim Agrees

Regular Right Guy

President Obama Awards Presidential Medal Of FreedomThis is sticky. Yesterday 2016 Democrat heir apparent Hillary Clinton tweeted this:

“I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault,” Clinton said last September, in her drive to shore up the feminist vote. “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed, and we’re with you.”

And it appears Hillary will get no argument from one of the many women to accuse Bill Clinton of sexual assault, Juanita Broaddrick.


In one of her first media appearances in nearly a decade, Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who famously accused Bill Clinton of rape, is now speaking out against Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president.

“Shame on you, Hillary, that’s disgusting,” Broaddrick said of Clinton’s attempt to…

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Hillary: ‘All Sexual Abuse Accusers Deserve To Be Believed’; Bill Victim Agrees

Physics is Sexist and Other Tales of Progressive Lunacy

The Rio Norte Line

There are many things that I do not care about. I’m generally pretty clueless about shades of any given color, preferring to stick to the primary colors. I’m a fan of simple, basic rules – I never wear a patterned shirt and with a patterned tie, I never wear a tux with tails to a black tie event (they are only appropriate for a “white tie” event) and I always coordinate my accessories – belt, watch band, shoes are always in the same color family. Simple rules for a simple, uncomplicated life.

I’m the same with reason and logic. I always try to reduce the complexity of problems as a way to solve them.

Philosophically, that works for me but it doesn’t work for the nattering, rabid mob on the left.

There is a belief that somehow facts – even natural laws – are somehow discriminatory. They reject pure reason…

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Physics is Sexist and Other Tales of Progressive Lunacy

Whoopi Goldberg: Christians As Dangerous As Muslims Because Hitler

Regular Right Guy

WHOOPI-GOLDBERG-NET-WORTH2I’ll save my comments on this piece of network idiocy until you’ve seen the 30 second video.

The Federalist:

Christian refugees from the Middle East are just as dangerous as Muslim ones because Hitler was allegedly a Christian, Whoopi Goldberg said on Tuesday’s episode of “The View.”

During the segment, the show’s hosts talked about the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis in the wake of the Paris attacks. At least one of the attackers gained entry into France through the country’s refugee resettlement program.

Since then, many have raised safety concerns over accepting migrants via a program with lax security screening requirements that have in the past allowed terrorists to enter the U.S. Some GOP presidential candidates, namely Ted Cruz, have said that if they were in charge, only Christian refugees would be allowed to resettle in the United States. …

“There have been a lot of monster Christians,” she said…

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Whoopi Goldberg: Christians As Dangerous As Muslims Because Hitler

Alleged Black Man, Shaun King, Tweets the Rage

Regular Right Guy

shaun-kingBlack Lives Matter activist Shaun King, who may or may not have a few drops of actual African American blood coursing through his veins, is calling out Bill O’Reilly.

On the O’Reilly Factor two nights ago, the Fox News host pointed out that he had seen no outrage by the black activist group when two African American police officers shot to death a 6-year-old autistic boy in Marksville, LA, Nov. 7.

Au contraire, Bill O’Reilly.

Shaun King staged a protest…

On Twitter…

The Daily News:

Last night on Fox News, Bill O’Reilly openly stated that Black Lives Matter was silent on the case.

Bill’s inference was that because the victim was white and the officers were black, that the movement didn’t care. What’s wild about this is that activists actually made this case famous nearly a week before Bill O’Reilly ever mentioned it.

My tweet about Jeremy Mardis on Nov…

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Alleged Black Man, Shaun King, Tweets the Rage

El Rushbo Sums it Up: Why the Liberal Media Lies

Regular Right Guy

Rush-LimbaughRush did a great piece in National Review this week you should read if you haven’t already.

NRO’s Limbaugh exclusive tells about his rise to become the first conservative media icon and how the MSM became the Democratic Party front office.


º In 1993, while aboard Air Force One, President Clinton called my St. Louis affiliate, KMOX, to complain that I had three hours each day on the radio and that there was no truth-detector responding to me….

º In 1995, [Bill] Clinton, in a national address, tried to blame me for the Oklahoma City bombing. …

º In 2007, Senate majority leader Harry Reid asked that my syndicator … make me apologize for calling a phony soldier a phony soldier. … I auctioned it on eBay [for charity] as proof of a United States senator’s attempt to bully a private citizen for exercising his freedom of speech. ……

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El Rushbo Sums it Up: Why the Liberal Media Lies